Corrective Exercise Specialist

At Sharp Savage Fitness, we're committed to empowering individuals to reach their fitness goals through expert personal training and corrective exercise. Our certified corrective exercise specialist (CES) in Fort Collins creates personalized programs targeting musculoskeletal imbalances, enhancing movement patterns, and preventing future injuries. Enhance your quality of movement and explore performance enhancement methods with us.

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What is Corrective Exercise?

Corrective exercise is a specialized approach focused on addressing muscular imbalances, inefficient movement patterns, and postural deviations. This method involves a comprehensive assessment to identify weaknesses and restrictions in clients, followed by targeted exercises and techniques aimed at restoring optimal function. In essence, corrective exercise is a tailored process that unlocks the body's true potential by addressing and improving specific movement dysfunctions. Trust our Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) to unleash your body's true potential today!

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Who Can Benefit from Corrective Exercise Personal Training

In short, everyone of all different fitness levels can benefit from working with a CES or similar fitness trainer. But a few groups of people specifically may choose this type of personal training:

Young man sports training with a personal trainer in the gym

Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts:

Corrective exercise programs can help enhance performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and improve overall athletic capabilities.

man doing push-up exercise with dumbbell

Individuals with Chronic Pain or Injuries:

Our personal trainer gym can help individuals experiencing chronic pain or those recovering from injuries by targeting the root causes of pain and addressing postural imbalances.

female hitting personal trainer boxing pads in gym

Desk Workers and Sedentary Individuals

Prolonged sitting or a sedentary lifestyle can lead to poor posture and movement restrictions that corrective exercise can help resolve.

corrective exercise specialist in fort collins

Why Work With Sharp Savage Fitness’ CES

At Sharp Savage Fitness, we differentiate ourselves by developing a comprehensive core curriculum that goes beyond just providing an exercise plan. We understand that success lies in addressing the root causes of movement inefficiencies rather than simply focusing on temporary fixes; we pride ourselves on being leaders in the field of corrective exercise.

Our CES trainer has undergone specialized training and possess extensive experience in corrective exercise. Every individual is unique, and we recognize that. That’s why we conduct a thorough assessment to identify your specific needs and design a personalized training program tailored to your goals, abilities, and limitations. We focus on addressing your specific weaknesses to achieve lasting results.

Learn More Book A Session With Justin

Young fit woman exercise with kettleball

How Corrective Exercise Can Change Your Life

By addressing movement dysfunctions and imbalances, a CES can help prevent future injuries, both major and minor. Building a solid foundation with this type of personal training allows you to train safely and effectively, reducing the risk of setbacks. Corrective exercise also optimizes movement patterns, allowing your body to perform at its peak, which means you'll experience improved performance.

Our targeted CE programs can also facilitate healing, restore proper movement mechanics, and safely reintegrate you into your fitness routine. This form of movement is focused on sustainable progress.

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Join The Sharp Savage Fitness Community

At Sharp Savage Fitness, we are committed to helping individuals unlock their full fitness potential through corrective exercise. By addressing weak points in client movements, our CES team will guide you toward optimal performance, injury prevention, and long-lasting success. Join the countless others who have walked away from our programs feeling stronger, healthier, and fitter than ever!

Start Here!

We look forward to meeting you soon! Contact us below to set up a session with our corrective exercise specialist-Your Personal Training Journey Starts HERE!